If your child wakes up in the morning, soaked in urine, and you feel helpless and frustrated. Don,t despair, bed-wetting isn't a sign of toilet training gone bad. It's often just a normal part of a child's development.
The common thought among both parents and many pediatricians is that bedwetting is a medical or psychological problem. Often, the patient undergoes a comprehensive and unnecessary medical assessment with no findings. Only 2% cases have been detected and diagnosed due to neurological or urological problems.
In fact, 75-80% bed-wetters are normal, healthy children who have not learned to activate the appropriate reflex system during sleep. Typically, when a person sleeps and pressure is built up inside the bladder, a signal is sent to the brain. Among enuretics, the signal is not recognized by the sub-conscious reflex system and instead of contracting the sphincter muscle, the circular muscle that keeps the bowel closed, the child relaxes the muscle and urinates during sleep.
Psychological causes, such as family problems, social adjustment, or fears are the reasons among the remaining 18-25% bed-wetters.
If your child wets the bed, don't punish, blame, or embarrass your child. Your child is neither consciously nor unconsciously choosing to wet the bed. Give your child understanding, encouragement, love, and positive support. Let your child help solve the problem, if he or she is older than 5.
A child should first be allowed to overcome bed-wetting on his or her own. Most children gain bladder control and often overcome bed-wetting as they age, but it can be embarrassing and cause your child to shy away from social activities such as slumber parties or sleepover invitations from friends.
You can help your child stop bed-wetting by using bedwetting alarms. These small, battery-operated devices — available without a prescription at most pharmacies — connect to a moisture-sensitive pad on your child's pajamas or bedding. When the pad senses wetness, the alarm goes off. Ideally, the bedwetting alarm sounds just as your child begins to urinate — in time to help your child wake, stop the urine stream and get to the toilet. If your child is a heavy sleeper, another person may need to listen for the alarm.
If you try a moisture alarm, give it plenty of time. It often takes at least two weeks to see any type of response and up to 12 weeks to enjoy dry nights. Moisture alarms are highly effective, carry a low risk of relapse or side effects, and may provide a better long-term solution than medication does.
3) Jaggery
This is because jaggery has a heating effect on the body from within. When the body remains warm from inside, the problem of bedwetting will vanish soon. Give your child a little amount of jaggery with lukewarm milk every morning. After around one hour or so, make your child eat a little bit of roasted sesame seeds and celery seeds which should be taken in equal amounts. Do this for around two months to see results.
5) Indian Gooseberry
Bedwetting is not a problem that can be solved quickly. Be patient and allow some time for these remedies to work. Also, be sure to teach your child to go to the bathroom before going to bed. Do not punish or yell at a child for wetting their bed. They will feel bad enough about it without you coming down hard on them. Praise them for effort and for success. Reassure them that you understand their embarrassment.

Bedwetting problem is common during the pre-adolescent stage of life and affects both boys and girls. It is a process of unknowingly passing urine while sleeping., until the age of six to eight years, bedwetting is a normal phenomenon that fades over time, but some children continue to wet their bed even after eight years of age.
What cause bed-wetting?
This often occurs because children have small bladders and cannot hold their urine all night or the urge to urinate is not strong enough to wake them up. OR your child may still be developing nighttime bladder control.
The common thought among both parents and many pediatricians is that bedwetting is a medical or psychological problem. Often, the patient undergoes a comprehensive and unnecessary medical assessment with no findings. Only 2% cases have been detected and diagnosed due to neurological or urological problems.
In fact, 75-80% bed-wetters are normal, healthy children who have not learned to activate the appropriate reflex system during sleep. Typically, when a person sleeps and pressure is built up inside the bladder, a signal is sent to the brain. Among enuretics, the signal is not recognized by the sub-conscious reflex system and instead of contracting the sphincter muscle, the circular muscle that keeps the bowel closed, the child relaxes the muscle and urinates during sleep.
Psychological causes, such as family problems, social adjustment, or fears are the reasons among the remaining 18-25% bed-wetters.
Bedwetting is more common among males; approximately two thirds of enuretics are males, while one third are females. As the age progresses, the proportion is changes and gradually is equal in adolescence. Among individuals ages 17 and up, two thirds of enuretics are females while one third are males.
How to cure bed wetting?
Praise and reward your child for dry nights. Involve your child in planning the reward system. Encourage your child to take responsibility for changing clothes and linens after a bed-wetting accident. For example, use washable sleeping bags as bedding so your child can easily replace one that is wet with one that is dry.
Monitor your child's consumption of liquids. As a rule of thumb, children should be encouraged to consume 40% of their total daily liquids in the morning, 40% in the afternoon, and 20% in the evening. Talk with the doctor about how much fluid your child needs. Restrict your child's intake of caffeine. Caffeine is a diuretic, which means that it promotes the excretion of urine. Avoid giving any liquids at bedtime, and train your child to urinate before sleeping.
If you try a moisture alarm, give it plenty of time. It often takes at least two weeks to see any type of response and up to 12 weeks to enjoy dry nights. Moisture alarms are highly effective, carry a low risk of relapse or side effects, and may provide a better long-term solution than medication does.
If bladder training and bedwetting alarm didn't work try these easy and simple natural remedies.

Natural home remedies for treating bed wetting:
1) Cranberry Juice
Giving your child cranberry juice before bedtime is a popular bedwetting remedy. The juice will help your child control his muscles and wet the bed less at night, or hopefully not at all. Cranberry juice is good for the kidneys, bladder, and urinary tract. You can give your child fresh cranberry juice one hour before going to bed. Repeat this process daily for a few months.
2) Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar helps reduce the acid levels in the stomach and will reduce the urge to urinate frequently. It also breaks down calcium deposits in the body. Simply stir two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and have your child drink it with each meal.This is because jaggery has a heating effect on the body from within. When the body remains warm from inside, the problem of bedwetting will vanish soon. Give your child a little amount of jaggery with lukewarm milk every morning. After around one hour or so, make your child eat a little bit of roasted sesame seeds and celery seeds which should be taken in equal amounts. Do this for around two months to see results.
4) Cinnamon
Cinnamon powder is one of the simplest home remedies for your child to stop bedwetting.
Have your child chew cinnamon bark thoroughly once a day. You can also combine sugar and cinnamon powder and then sprinkle it on buttered toast. Give this toast to your child for breakfast.
Cinnamon powder is one of the simplest home remedies for your child to stop bedwetting.
Have your child chew cinnamon bark thoroughly once a day. You can also combine sugar and cinnamon powder and then sprinkle it on buttered toast. Give this toast to your child for breakfast.
Also known as amla, Indian goosberry is yet another effective home remedy for bedwetting. Take pulp of gooseberry and mix to it a pinch of black pepper powder. Give it to your child daily before he goes to bed. or
Crush 2 Indian gooseberries remove seeds mix a tablespoon of honey and a pinch of turmeric. Give one tablespoon of this mixture to your child every morning. You can also make a mixture of Indian gooseberry powder, ground cumin seeds and sugar candy. Give it to your child two times a day.
6) walnuts and raisins
Walnuts and raisins are tasty home remedies for preventing bedwetting in children. Just give your child 2-3 walnuts and 8-10 raisins before they go to sleep. This will cure the problem within a few weeks.
7) Banana
For years banana has been proved beneficial in binding stomach. You can feed your child 2 -3 bananas every day to prevent the problem of bed wetting. You can give one ripe banana in the breakfast and another at night.
For years banana has been proved beneficial in binding stomach. You can feed your child 2 -3 bananas every day to prevent the problem of bed wetting. You can give one ripe banana in the breakfast and another at night.
8) Mustard powder
Mustard powder too has been found useful to stop bedwetting in children. Take a pinch of dry mustard seed powder and add it to warm milk. This should be given to the child one hour before he goes to bed at night. Mustard seeds are said to be good even for those suffering from urinary diseases. Do this for a few weeks, and your child will certainly stop bedwetting at night.
9) Fennel seeds
Try this natural home remedy using milk, fennel seeds and sugar: Take 4 tbsp of sugar, add 1 glass of water to this sugar, heat this mixture till it becomes a thick syrup, add 2 tbsp of this sugar syrup to 1 glass warm milk, add 1 tsp fennel seeds and mix well. Give it daily to your child.
10) Try this herbal tea
Take small amounts of oak bark, barberry and horsetail put in bowl pour water and boil it for about two hours at low speed. You can give this herbal tea to your child two times a day and one cup about an hour before bed time. Consuming this herbal tea on a regular basis will reduce the bed wetting problems in your child significantly.
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