Everyone knows honey tastes sweet and is delicious mixed with tea and lemon; but chances are you never realized how many health-benefits this versatile food possesses. You can use it as a home remedy to cure many conditions that ail you.

The best honey is one that is totally raw, organic and contains the honeycomb in the jar. It should include royal jelly, propolis and bee pollen for maximum health benefits.
1) Protects topically and internally against pathogens such as Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and MRSA
2) Builds immunity to hay fever allergens by mixing honey and bee pollen and take early in season
3) Quenches thirst and relieves heat stroke; stops hiccups
4) Lessens the effects of poisons and toxins
5) Has mild laxative properties
6) Relieves asthma when mixed with black pepper and ginger
7) Controls blood pressure when mixed with fresh garlic juice
8) Moisturize skin with a mixture of honey, eggs and flour
9) Honey is antibacterial and makes a powerful antiseptic to cleanse and heal wounds and prevent scabs from sticking to bandages
10) Kills viruses and bacterial infections when mixed and eaten with raw, minced garlic
11) Boosts energy, reduces fatigue, stimulates mental alertness, strengthens immunity, provides minerals, vitamins, antioxidants
12) Restores eyesight, relieves a sore throat, makes an effective cough syrup
13) Prevents heart disease by improving blood flow and prevents damage to capillaries
14) Regulates the bowels; cures colitis and IBS
15) Soothes burns, disinfects wounds, reduces inflammation and pain, promotes faster healing
16) Applying honey, cinnamon and hot olive oil topically prevents hair loss as well as stops a toothache
17) Make salad dressing using honey
18) Sweeten baked goods with honey instead of sugar
19) Smear honey on toast for a mid-afternoon energy snack
20) Preserve fruit by adding honey to water and pouring over fresh fruit in canning jars
21) Make fresh fruit jams with honey instead of sugar
22) Use for making honey wines and beers
23) Never give honey to babies under the age of one due to the risk of botulism. Honey caries botulism spores and babies don't have enough immunity for proper protection.
24) Reduces anxiety and acts as a sedative; creating calm and restful sleep, alkalizes body's pH
25) Anti-cancer agents protect against the formation of tumors
26) Relieves indigestion and acid reflux, heals peptic ulcers
27) Makes a great lip balm and refreshing herbal wash or lotion
28) Destroys bacteria causing acne, prevents scarring
29) Flushes parasites from liver and colon
30) Heal diabetic ulcers with topical applications
31) Mix with powdered herbs for topical applications or to reduce bitterness when taken internally
32) Smooths and exfoliates facial skin, reduces surface lines, softens dry skin on elbows and heels
33) Add to green coconut water for supercharged athletic drinks
34) Relieve hangovers by eating honey the morning after
35) Protect hair from split ends with a honey conditioner; honey rinse promotes shiny hair
36) Soften hard water by adding honey to bath water
37) Speeds metabolism to stimulate weight loss
38) Improves digestion with natural enzymes
39) Mix honey and lemon with warm water first thing in the morning for an effective cleanse
40) Anti-fungal properties cure vaginal yeast infections and athlete's foot
41) Relieve hay fever by chewing on honeycomb
42) Mixing honey, cinnamon and hot water in varying amounts relieves arthritis, bladder infections and abdominal gas; lowers LDL cholesterol, and improves digestion. Additionally, it kills the flu and other viruses, slows the aging process, restores hearing and relieves bad breath.
1) Protects topically and internally against pathogens such as Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and MRSA
2) Builds immunity to hay fever allergens by mixing honey and bee pollen and take early in season
3) Quenches thirst and relieves heat stroke; stops hiccups
4) Lessens the effects of poisons and toxins
5) Has mild laxative properties
6) Relieves asthma when mixed with black pepper and ginger
7) Controls blood pressure when mixed with fresh garlic juice
8) Moisturize skin with a mixture of honey, eggs and flour
9) Honey is antibacterial and makes a powerful antiseptic to cleanse and heal wounds and prevent scabs from sticking to bandages
10) Kills viruses and bacterial infections when mixed and eaten with raw, minced garlic
11) Boosts energy, reduces fatigue, stimulates mental alertness, strengthens immunity, provides minerals, vitamins, antioxidants
12) Restores eyesight, relieves a sore throat, makes an effective cough syrup
13) Prevents heart disease by improving blood flow and prevents damage to capillaries
14) Regulates the bowels; cures colitis and IBS
15) Soothes burns, disinfects wounds, reduces inflammation and pain, promotes faster healing
16) Applying honey, cinnamon and hot olive oil topically prevents hair loss as well as stops a toothache
17) Make salad dressing using honey
18) Sweeten baked goods with honey instead of sugar
19) Smear honey on toast for a mid-afternoon energy snack
20) Preserve fruit by adding honey to water and pouring over fresh fruit in canning jars
21) Make fresh fruit jams with honey instead of sugar
22) Use for making honey wines and beers
23) Never give honey to babies under the age of one due to the risk of botulism. Honey caries botulism spores and babies don't have enough immunity for proper protection.
24) Reduces anxiety and acts as a sedative; creating calm and restful sleep, alkalizes body's pH
25) Anti-cancer agents protect against the formation of tumors
26) Relieves indigestion and acid reflux, heals peptic ulcers
27) Makes a great lip balm and refreshing herbal wash or lotion
28) Destroys bacteria causing acne, prevents scarring
29) Flushes parasites from liver and colon
30) Heal diabetic ulcers with topical applications
31) Mix with powdered herbs for topical applications or to reduce bitterness when taken internally
32) Smooths and exfoliates facial skin, reduces surface lines, softens dry skin on elbows and heels
33) Add to green coconut water for supercharged athletic drinks
34) Relieve hangovers by eating honey the morning after
35) Protect hair from split ends with a honey conditioner; honey rinse promotes shiny hair
36) Soften hard water by adding honey to bath water
37) Speeds metabolism to stimulate weight loss
38) Improves digestion with natural enzymes
39) Mix honey and lemon with warm water first thing in the morning for an effective cleanse
40) Anti-fungal properties cure vaginal yeast infections and athlete's foot
41) Relieve hay fever by chewing on honeycomb
42) Mixing honey, cinnamon and hot water in varying amounts relieves arthritis, bladder infections and abdominal gas; lowers LDL cholesterol, and improves digestion. Additionally, it kills the flu and other viruses, slows the aging process, restores hearing and relieves bad breath.
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