Diabetes 2 is a lifelong (chronic) disease in which there is a high level of sugar (glucose) in the blood. Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes. Diabetes 2 symptoms may develop slowly. In fact, you can have type 2 diabetes for years and not know it. Diabetes affects 24 million people in the U.S., but only 18 million know they have it. About 90% of those people have type 2 diabetes.
6) Skin problems
Itchy skin can be caused by dry skin, or poor circulation, and can often be a warning sign of diabetes and other diseases like darkening of the skin around the neck and armpit area.
7) Yeast infections
Diabetes means increase in a variety of infections and allergies, but the most common is the yeast (Candida), and other infections fungal, as fungi and bacteria both grow in sugar rich environments. Women, in particular, should pay attention to Candida vaginal infections.
8) Blurry vision
Blurred vision and seeing floaters or flashes of light in some cases is a direct result of high levels of sugar in the blood. Blurry vision is a refraction problem. When the glucose in the blood is high, it changes the shape of the lens and the eye. The good news is that this problem is reversible once sugar levels in the blood, back to normal or near normal.
But if your blood sugar remains unnoticed for a long time, it causes permanent damage, and perhaps even blindness which can not be reversed.
9) Tingling or numbness
Tingling and numbness in the hands and feet with burning or swelling are symptoms of diabetes 2. If these symptoms are recent, your diabetes is more likely to be reversible. However, if high levels of blood sugar prevail for too long, nerve damage will be permanent. That's why its very important to control the blood sugar as quickly as possible.
10) Blood tests
If you notice any of the symptoms of diabetes 2 as above, go see your doctor for blood tests, Several tests are used to check for diabetes, but a single test result is never enough on its own to diagnose diabetes (the test has to be repeated). To confirm the diagnosis, one or more of the following tests must be done.
1) Fasting blood glucose level -- diabetes is diagnosed if it is higher than 126 mg/dL two times
2) Hemoglobin A1C test -- Diabetes: 6.5% or higher
3) Oral glucose tolerance test -- diabetes is diagnosed if glucose level is higher than 200 mg/dL 2 hours after drinking a special sugar drink
And one important thing I want to say, Early detection and treatment of diabetes can decrease the risk of developing the complications of diabetes. If you have diabetes don't panic, simply learn how to control your diabetes? you have a lot more control over the disease now than just about any other point in history. And if you have prediabetes, you have a good chance of preventing or delaying the disease by making lifestyle changes or taking medication.

Experts use words like "epidemic" and "worldwide crisis" when they talk about
diabetes: Millions of people have it and a staggering number are expected to get it (300 million worldwide by 2025, according to one study). In diabetes, rising blood sugar acts like a poison. Diabetes is often called the silent killer because of its easy-to-miss symptoms.
diabetes: Millions of people have it and a staggering number are expected to get it (300 million worldwide by 2025, according to one study). In diabetes, rising blood sugar acts like a poison. Diabetes is often called the silent killer because of its easy-to-miss symptoms.
What is diabetes 2?
Mellitus or type 2 diabetes, formerly called adult-onset or non insulin-dependent diabetes is a chronic disease, It is a metabolic disorder characterized by elevated glucose levels in the context of insulin resistance and relative insulin deficiency. Diabetes 2 affects the way your body's metabolism of sugar(glucose) the main source of energy for your body.
With the disease of diabetes 2, your body either resists the effects of insulin - a hormone that regulates the movement of sugar into the cells of your body - or do not produce enough insulin to maintain normal blood glucose level. If left untreated, it can be fatal or even life threatening.
Are you at risk?
Diabetes is on the rise, However our sedentary lifestyle—lots of junk food, eating wrong habits and little to no exercise is providing momentum to speed up the process.
There is no cure for type 2 diabetes, but you can manage the situation as you eat well, exercise and maintain a healthy weight. If diet and exercise are not enough to control your blood sugar, you may need to treat it with medication or insulin treatment.
Mellitus or type 2 diabetes, formerly called adult-onset or non insulin-dependent diabetes is a chronic disease, It is a metabolic disorder characterized by elevated glucose levels in the context of insulin resistance and relative insulin deficiency. Diabetes 2 affects the way your body's metabolism of sugar(glucose) the main source of energy for your body.
With the disease of diabetes 2, your body either resists the effects of insulin - a hormone that regulates the movement of sugar into the cells of your body - or do not produce enough insulin to maintain normal blood glucose level. If left untreated, it can be fatal or even life threatening.
Are you at risk?
Diabetes is on the rise, However our sedentary lifestyle—lots of junk food, eating wrong habits and little to no exercise is providing momentum to speed up the process.
Back than it was an "old age disease" peoples in 60's and above might have developed it, but now people are developing the disease much earlier due to obesity and lack of exercise; sometimes in their teens or in childhood. Anyone can get diabetes. But some peoples risk is more likely much higher, especially those who are obese. (Are you overweight? Use this BMI calculator to find the body mass index).
There is no cure for type 2 diabetes, but you can manage the situation as you eat well, exercise and maintain a healthy weight. If diet and exercise are not enough to control your blood sugar, you may need to treat it with medication or insulin treatment.
What are the symptoms of Diabetes 2?
In disease of diabetes 2, many people have no symptoms at all, while other signs are dismissed under "aging". Chances are before being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes people may have complication of diabetes already. The best way to pick up on it is to have a blood sugar test. But if you have these symptoms, see your doctor. Look for these symptoms:
1) Increased thirst and frequent urination.
In disease of diabetes 2, many people have no symptoms at all, while other signs are dismissed under "aging". Chances are before being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes people may have complication of diabetes already. The best way to pick up on it is to have a blood sugar test. But if you have these symptoms, see your doctor. Look for these symptoms:
1) Increased thirst and frequent urination.
Increased sugar level in the blood causes fluid to be pulled from the tissues of your body, making you thirsty. So you need to drink - and urinate - more than usual. The kidneys work hard to get rid of all that excess glucose in the blood, hence you feel urge to relieve yourself several times during the night.
And the excessive thirst means your body is trying to replenish those lost fluids. These two symptoms go hand in hand and are some of "your body's ways of trying to manage high blood sugar
2) Increased hunger.
The insulin deficiency restricts, the movement of sugar into the cells of the body, thus your muscles and organs become depleted of energy. This results in severe hunger.
3) Weight loss.
Despite eating more than usual to relieve hunger, you may lose weight. Because the hormone insulin does not get glucose into the cells, where it can be used as an energy source, the body thinks it is starving and starts to break down muscle proteins as a source of alternative fuel. Without the ability to metabolize glucose, the body uses alternative fuels stored in muscle and fat. Your kidneys also work overtime consuming more calories to eliminate excess sugar, and you create a calorie deficit.
4) Fatigue and irritability
When people have high sugar levels in the blood for long time they get used to a chronic not feeling good situation, getting up to go to the bathroom several times can make any one irritable and tired as your body spends extra effort to compensate for its energy.
5) Slow healing
Injuries and wounds and bruises that do not heal quickly is another classic sign of diabetes.
This usually occurs because of damage to the blood vessels through large amounts of glucose that surf the veins and arteries.This makes it difficult for the blood needed to facilitate healing to reach different parts of the body.
When people have high sugar levels in the blood for long time they get used to a chronic not feeling good situation, getting up to go to the bathroom several times can make any one irritable and tired as your body spends extra effort to compensate for its energy.
5) Slow healing
Injuries and wounds and bruises that do not heal quickly is another classic sign of diabetes.
This usually occurs because of damage to the blood vessels through large amounts of glucose that surf the veins and arteries.This makes it difficult for the blood needed to facilitate healing to reach different parts of the body.
6) Skin problems
Itchy skin can be caused by dry skin, or poor circulation, and can often be a warning sign of diabetes and other diseases like darkening of the skin around the neck and armpit area.
7) Yeast infections
Diabetes means increase in a variety of infections and allergies, but the most common is the yeast (Candida), and other infections fungal, as fungi and bacteria both grow in sugar rich environments. Women, in particular, should pay attention to Candida vaginal infections.
8) Blurry vision
Blurred vision and seeing floaters or flashes of light in some cases is a direct result of high levels of sugar in the blood. Blurry vision is a refraction problem. When the glucose in the blood is high, it changes the shape of the lens and the eye. The good news is that this problem is reversible once sugar levels in the blood, back to normal or near normal.
But if your blood sugar remains unnoticed for a long time, it causes permanent damage, and perhaps even blindness which can not be reversed.
9) Tingling or numbness
Tingling and numbness in the hands and feet with burning or swelling are symptoms of diabetes 2. If these symptoms are recent, your diabetes is more likely to be reversible. However, if high levels of blood sugar prevail for too long, nerve damage will be permanent. That's why its very important to control the blood sugar as quickly as possible.
10) Blood tests
If you notice any of the symptoms of diabetes 2 as above, go see your doctor for blood tests, Several tests are used to check for diabetes, but a single test result is never enough on its own to diagnose diabetes (the test has to be repeated). To confirm the diagnosis, one or more of the following tests must be done.
1) Fasting blood glucose level -- diabetes is diagnosed if it is higher than 126 mg/dL two times
2) Hemoglobin A1C test -- Diabetes: 6.5% or higher
3) Oral glucose tolerance test -- diabetes is diagnosed if glucose level is higher than 200 mg/dL 2 hours after drinking a special sugar drink
And one important thing I want to say, Early detection and treatment of diabetes can decrease the risk of developing the complications of diabetes. If you have diabetes don't panic, simply learn how to control your diabetes? you have a lot more control over the disease now than just about any other point in history. And if you have prediabetes, you have a good chance of preventing or delaying the disease by making lifestyle changes or taking medication.
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